If we are committed to saving the lives of children, supporting others to fight against blindness, hunger and diseases…
If we are committed to providing people in need with more quality of life, perspectives, hope and a future…
We just need to think about the impact and the value we create for those people… and therefore even a small donation could make a huge difference!
Catastrophes such as earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, floods, flash floods and landslides accounted for 51% of the total. Storms made up 42%, while 7% fell into the categories of heat, cold and wildfire.
Today, too much humanitarian aid is transported over land and sea, because it is cheap. But more than 25% of these goods are lost and it takes weeks and months until aid material arrives on site.Fast and efficient air transportation is mostly not affordable for humanitarian organizations.
Our intention is to change that. We deliver 100% of all goods, faster, more efficient, cheaper – but also more ecological! That makes the difference – Moonlight Air Organization makes the difference!
We are not able to solve the problem of hunger, clean water, health and education – basic essentials of our humanity – but we fight a battle we cannot win, because nature always wins. Humans are champions at pointing fingers at others, but we don’t do it better nor do we learn from our mistakes.
Wake up! Stand up! Reflect!
The one and only meaningful goal of our civilization should be taking care of people who have less than we do. We should help each other, we should take care of each other. This is the kindness and the mind change we need on a global base if we wanna survive and improve our quality of live.
70% of 425 million people with diabetes are of working age (20-60y). Treatment cost of $3000.- annually without further secondary diseases. 20 minutes and $100 – this is the time and the cost of an eye surgery, but in most hospitals the right equipment is missing and the staff is not trained or experienced.
Therefore, we fly our mobile hospital to the locations, train and further educate local medical staff trough professionals. Furthermore, we transport hospital equipment for modernization of treatment centers and medicine in large quantities.
Every 3.5 person has no clean drinking water and more than 360’000 children die every single year because of a lack of clean water.
Our intention is to work with a new upcoming Swiss Water Tech company, which produces special water filter stations.
We are able to transport hundred of thousands of such water filters every year to provide humans around the world with clean water.
Remember this picture next time before you waste food.
Imagine the impact we could make with our partner organization, if we were just able to transport 100 tons of food, agricultural material and other basic supplies on each flight to fight against hunger.